This was taken yesterday at Clumber park. I didn't take any pics today. We went there yesterday to try and have a nice family day after visiting Henry's grave in the morning.

Poor Alf is still not up to walking far so we took him over to James and Lynne's for the day, which was a shame as we all needed to be together today. We had a nice walk and it proved to be a good place to practice keeping Nell focused away from other dogs. Just one incident where someone let their pup come right in her face despite her being on a short lead and us obviously trying to keep her away from it (idiots!) but we managed it and all the other dogs who came past we managed to keep her focused on us and also used a squeaky ball to distract her and she basically ignored them. Made us feel a bit more positive about things.

Also went out for dinner. All felt more do-able able when Toby and Eva were still up but they were tired and we couldn't keep them up all evening. Had a really difficult evening and a bad night's sleep.

Today I couldn't stop myself clock watching and didn't feel able to do much until after 11.30, roughly the time he was officially pronounced dead. It doesn't help so I don't know why I do it but it happens every year.

I took Lime for a really quiet ride just me and him.

Then we took Toby and Eva to see the Lego batman movie. Glad the weekend has passed. Got to keep moving forward.

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