
The second in a trio of three spring flower portraits, captured on a quick visit to Billingborough to top up the spring flora records. This beautiful early-flowering clematis Clematis cirrhosa is growing on the boundary fence of the churchyard. I assume it was originally planted but it's now well-established.

After visiting Pete's Mum in Spalding we were on a tour round some Lincolnshire villages recording snowdrops, winter aconites and winter heliotrope, mostly form the car as it was wet and windy! 

We'd spent a lovely morning with her, making plans for her 90th birthday. We offered to throw a party for her, not knowing whether she would feel up to it after her stroke last year and pneumonia in the autumn. We should have known better... She was clearly delighted by the idea, suggested a venue and by the time we left she already had about fifty people as possible invitees. She's now absolutely determined to live till her birthday! I can see I'm going to be doing a lot of cooking in early May...

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