I went to see Mum again in the dementia care home, and again her mood was not good, she would not open her eyes for a photo, and kept crying although there was an entertainer singing and playing the guitar after they had had their roast dinner. She looks so lost, I wasn't sure whether I could blip this, but it is part of her journey. I tried holding her hands and singing along, as some others did but she could not lift her mood. One of the cares was getting the residents up and dancing with her, amazing to see how some could still dance and know the words to the songs yet are often mute otherwise. Then it was tea and cake time, which she refused, but in the end I persuaded her to have half a cup, (and I had to have the cake as she would not try a little bit or share it). So not the happy person of last week.
Dad was alright this morning thankfully, although he did not like the carer who arrived to put him to bed last night, who did not wear a uniform, and had never been before, and had been told nothing of the routine. Dad was very intimidated by him as he was such a big chap and did not have the air of a carer. Dad had to ask him to show his i.d.
I am really tired after a night of little sleep last night. Harry had a nose bleed soon after I had gone to bed, so I had to help him get cleaned up and get his sweat shirt soaking in cold water etc. Then I tossed and turned thinking about last night's cinema trip that I thought was just a friendly trip but my companion was expecting more. My life is too complicated and stressful at the moment, can't deal with more.

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