Birthday celebrations

Meal out at a local pub for Nick's birthday lunch, I couldn't manage all my food but the spicy lentil soup to start was delicious. These daffodils were in a large vase in the centre of the table. Its the first time I've seen Daffs displayed in an restaurant/pub/cafe this year

The weather has been grey and rainy here all day and despite my best intentions I've not been out for a proper walk.

Feeling a bit tired (Still!) so I may have an hour in bed listening to music and resting before the evening properly starts.

This evening I've listed three enamel floral brooches on eBay and I'm hoping that they take someone's interest, I think they are 1980s and they're very pretty but no longer for me- far too early Laura Ashley. Taking the pictures for eBay and writing the listing always takes me ages, I need to cut down on what I say!

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