
Last night was our bookgroup 'Safari Supper', always a great evening with delicious and plentiful food, and the only time the husbands are invited to socialise with us!   This year we hosted the main course and afterwards, before we moved houses to Sarah's, we played 'spoons'.

Spoons is like musical chairs but with cards. There is one less spoon laid out on the table than players.  The aim is to collect 4 cards of the same number/value by discarding one to the player on your left and picking up one from the player on your right.....at speed.  As soon as a player gets 4 of a kind, they pick up a spoon.  So you have to have your wits about you to notice this as the last person to pick up a spoon is out.

It gets very competitive and is very very funny.  Extra shows the winner.

Thanks for a great evening everyone.

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