Post-run selfie

Katie had said last night she'd like to run together this morning. She said it again when she woke up at FarTooEarly o' Clock. She went and made her own breakfast, played a while and then returned, presenting me with a surprise cup of tea. She got into her running kit and eventually I surfaced. As I did, B knocked on the door to drop off a piece of music they had left on the piano. Katie of course was thrilled to have a surprise visit.

We headed out for our run, going down along the beck. We tied it in with stopping to collect some parcels I'd been carded for. We did 5.5km together in total, with the railway station as our finishing line.

They'd been learning grease songs at dance last night so I said we'd try find it on DVD in the charity shop to watch this afternoon. Sadly they failed us, but we did find Cats. We snuggled on the sofa with snacks & a vegetable platter for a couple of chilled out hours.

Later on she did an hours really good piano practice. She fixed a new piece she is learning and made brilliant finishing touches to one of her exam pieces, Hedwigs theme, that will probably also be a festival piece. One of her classes she has to play two contrasting pieces so I think she'll do Hedwig and Wizard of Oz. Both wizardy but very different!

We had tea after piano. I'd made casserole last night and she had been excited all day to try it, bless her. I was delighted that it met up to expectations and seconds were requested.

She did clarinet after tea. She worked hard on her technical work and did such a good job on a new exercise. She was beginning to flag but went through two of her pieces- she's got a new one that she loves and always wants to work on her waltz at the moment. However it became very clearly bedtime so we tucked her up with her current favourite "sleepy music" (a not very sleepy bit great track on a Bond CD she got the other day- Bond the string group that is!)

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