Soon you'll hear me knocking at your door
I don't know, this allotment thing is making us do things we wouldn't normally do!
For a Saturday we rose really early .. Tooli was heading to Volleyball and we were heading to support our Local Allotment at the Participatory Funding Decision Day in the Town Hall. The Allotment Group were up for £3000 for a wee shed to keep us warm.
This was a big commitment for us. Once we were in there, we weren't allowed out again! You had to listen to all the groups, and press a little button to say which number between 1-5; (1 being the least and 5 being the most) you awarded them.
All sorts of groups - I got very excited. Wild Water Swimming, Park Running, Fairy Trails, Woodland Friends, School Groups, Retirement groups, Drama Groups and Us . There were 37 groups all applying for grants between 300 and 3000 pounds.
We listened to everyone, had a "comfort" break. Were fed Tea and Coffee FOR FREE by Volunteers, and not only that HAD LUNCH. We congratulated the people who presented, and cheers for everyone.
Then two lovely Boys from the R&A, (Royal and Ancient), part of the promotions team from "THEOPEN" were there because not only were we having the bursary from the council, the R&A were doubling the amount. £38000, as part of a legacy agreement from Troon hosting the Open.
Once they had spoken a wee bit, the awards were announced. Through the voting process 33 of the Applicants had been awarded full funding, Including US.
(I felt REALLY bad for the 4 who didn't). ...
but then.... The very Nice man from the R&A went and whispered to someone , and then there was some counting, and then was more whispering and then the Announcement.
No one was going to walk away ... Every one would get their funding. The Man from the R&A, he says YES!
What a lovely warm feel good moment
( extra - see the men from the RA and the presenter)
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