Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Slithers and Glints of White, All That's Left

The overnight rain washed most of the snow away and it has warmed up considerably. The morning was quite quiet.

In the afternoon I am left to my own devices, mostly, as my partner has gone to to a vintage clothing fair with her friend. Last night I was a wee bit earlier turning up for the meal with friends, and I noticed a Rapha book of photographs, This Island Race. I go in to town first and buy the book, only £6, then I have to go to the supermarket to get some extra shopping.

I get home fairly early, so I decide to head up the Braid Hills to see what the weather has done to the snow on the hills. Dundreich to the south is looking very grey and dreich.

Looking NW, there's a slither of light over Edinburgh. The Ochils have a bit of snow left, which is lit up by a horizontal slither of sunlight.

Dash back down the hill to get some coffee.

Tour of East Lothian tomorrow. Might get a tad wet in the afternoon.

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