Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie

Homeward bound

How bad am I? My 365 and a hit in spotlight for the first time. I was on my way to Ireland though to stay with my father in law. Sadly I missed most of it.

Thank you so so much for all your hearts, comments and views. I am so grateful x x you are all lovely. To get a hit in spotlight- just wow! I never thought that would happen to me!!!!!

Sadly in Ireland WIfi is sporadic and expensive so while I have taken photos it's all backblipping.

This is Derry airport today on the way home.

We have had a great few days. I was up till 3am singing and playing instruments with the band in the local pub. It was phenomenal. I am going to not pack as many clothes next year and take over my uke and harmonica. I also need to learn some traditional Irish songs.

The day has ended somewhat sadly in that father in law has come back with us and his brother who lives here has taken a turn for the worse and is not expected to leave hospital now. Therefore as we were stepping onto the plane his sister and niece were texting to say they were flying in tonight so they could come and do their final farewells. They are staying with us so we have flown in and had a mad few hours getting the house ready.

I think I have moved beyond tired and am on adrenalin and my poor hubby must be on his knees as he patiently sat in the pub while I messed about with a Bohdran, whistle and accordion.

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