Cover art

Up early to get sessions finished. Feeling a bit weak. Spot an extremely poor likeness of me on the cover of the programme - nice hair.

Keynote goes better than expected and I get a few comments from folk who liked it. Luckily there was an hour between the keynote and my next presentation. It would be nice to be more organised. It's never going to happen, so it's just as well that I've become reasonably comfortable just winging it.

I go back to the hotel to drop off my laptop and grab a power nap before Russel's closing session at 5:30. Then it's the sponsors' reception followed by conference dinner. Jolly conversation, loads of food, plenty of red.

Asti leads us all to Brew Dog and lines up some whiskey and coke. It's good to catch up, but I'm tired and it's noisy. In bed by midnight, ready for a half day tomorrow.

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