My turn to cook

We take it in turns to cook. This was pretty simple with fresh parsley, tomatoes and basil. The garlic bread is shop bought, I cut off a chunk and put it in the sandwich toaster. It does it better than the oven, crisp on the outside, fluffy centre and only took about a minute.

Castle ( house) work this morning, reading and ironing after lunch.

There was a huntsman spider in my bedroom this morning. They don't often come into this house, fortunately as I dislike them a great deal. Bob was asked to get rid of it. He says " it's gone"... I got suspicious's gone under the bed and hidden behind my furniture. Now I have to go to bed. I have used half a can of spray and hope to get some sleep. I wish I had used the spray when I had it in my sights, but I am a bit alternative and like to give them a chance. Not again.

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