Today's Special

By Connections

In the Moment

Yes, it snowed again here.. about an inch, with no snow at lower elevations less than a mile away. It melted in the afternoon sun, but more is forecast for Saturday evening, and perhaps even more over the next few days.

This female Northern Flicker spent a considerable time on the high feeder today. She was followed by a Pileated Woodpecker, arriving while tookie, in Bellingham for the day, stopped by to give me a birthday present and stayed for a cup of tea and a chat. You can see her fine close-up of that bird's distinctive profile on the link.

My computer was sorely in need of moving onto the latest operating system, which my in-house technology guru undertook yesterday evening and into today. I don't do well with technological changes, so this has been a challenge for me, but finally (I'm writing this at 10:45pm Friday) I'm beginning to get the hang of them... I hope.

And, to be fair, I did spend a considerable amount of time on various major newspaper websites as DJT, his puppet master Steve Bannon, and others attending the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) continued to trample on the values that the majority of Americans hold dear.

The Guardian, New York Times, and more were denied access to a White House press briefing 

Australian children's author Mem Fox detained by US border control 

Closer to home, both Kendall and Bluheron have compelling blips about the Sanctuary/Deportation Press Conference held today at Augustana Lutheran Church in Portland. 

Very troubling times here...

Blip 1752

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