Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Little Pen of Life

I carry this because it could save my life.

I had my first anaphylaxic reaction when I was a teenager to a migraine treatment called imigran. We hoped that this would be an isolated incident but unfortunately it wasn't, my next anaphylaxic reaction happened while away on an A level field trip and ambulance and some adrenaline later I was fine but my hospital consultant decided that it would be a wise precaution for me to carry an epi-pen which is an auto injector of adrenaline.

Now I have a long list of drug allergies and intolerances but over the years I have become complacent but recently I have started to explore new drug treatments to help manage the pain I get with my ME and I decided that it was time to finally (only taken about 15 years) apply to get a MedicAlert bracelet paramedics are trained to look for these and you are backed up by a 24 hour help line so if you are in an emergency situation the right information about you is easily gotten to the right people.

Why hadnt I done this before - well as I said I had become complacent - in my mind my allergies are to medication and well thats easy to predict - fine if I am not taking anything caution when I start to take something new. But what if I was in an accident? I am allergic to penicillin and other antibiotics, I also take a fair few meds - what about interactions?

I have also done a little refresher on anaphylaxis its good to remind yourself about these things.

You can find more about the symptoms here
And here is some info on first aid treatment

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