
By Jaffadog


Today started well. Nice walk along the golf course and back along the river in the woods. It was a bit deeper than normal so I had a swim. Loved it.
Then back home to get dry and straight back out again. Yippee, another walk. I was wrong. Another visit to the V.E.T. As I was poorly last time they couldn't give me my worming tablets. My owners have tried everything but I just won't take them. I had to get weighed first and the vet nurse said I was overweight. Then after that insult she shoved open my mouth and forced tablets down me. I spat some out but she didn't give up. She did give me a cuddle afterwards so I nearly forgave her.
I heard my owners discussing my food later and it didn't sound good. Cut down on treats they said. What! I will have to do some serious begging.

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