As the sun was shining I took Phoebe down to the sea to try and capture the stormy wind.  We couldn't actually get down to the beach, driven back by the fine sand blowing up towards us covering us both in sand.

I encouraged Phoebe to stand close to me and pulled her face away from the winds direction.  We had to go back and take shelter behind some grasses where I quickly stood up briefly to capture this clip.  You cannot tell the sound or strength of the wind which was trying to blow me over.

We then scampered back home via Rushey Green helped by the wind until we were glad to be back in the warm.  My face and lips were covered in sand and I had to clean Phoebes eyes with a wet tissue.

Today it is much calmer and I hope it is better for you all.

Weekend nearly here so enjoy all you hard working folk! xxxxx

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