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Just four days away from home and it seems a lifetime. It takes a while to get back into the swing of the mundane again after all the excitement of an action packed few days.

While His Lordship thrives in a city and while I have known nothing else all my life, there is part of me that enjoys living in a small village, and so I have some feelings of regret at being back in the hurly burly of a metropolis. I tell myself that I would get tired of everyone in a small community knowing my business and that I would probably prefer to retain the amount of anonymity one has in a city.

With the fridge and cupboards empty, there was an outing to Morningside to remedy things. I saw this flower arrangement on the pavement outside a florists shop and was struck by how much it looked like a delicate water colour painting.
It didn't come home with us but the £1 bunch of daffodils did.

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