Teacher Leave them Kids Alone
Way back in 2010, almost exactly 7 years ago, I posted a blip of my old secondary school.
The town was in a wrangle with the local council - our School was built with funds left by an Entrepreneur who was born and brought up in Troon and left to seek fame and fortune elsewhere. He remembered his home, and in his will left a trust fund for the people of the town.
The school was built, and opened in 1939, my Wee Nunk was one of the first intake, my mum, my dad, me and my sister, and the kids have all attended.
The council wanted to demolish the school, relocate the kids in a new build on their beautiful sports field. (the sports field could host 6 hockey matches and four rugby matches on one day.
the town was up in arms! Finally after much to'ing and fro'ing with the local (and ex pats) and the council, they relented and found a solution to accommodate the requirements. The School was purchased from the Trust, the "new extension" which was built in the 70's would be demolished, and a new "more fitting" extension would be created.
We've watched from afar as the building has taken place. wondering at it's wavy lines and appropriateness.
Tonight was an open night for the townsfolk. It's not completely finished, but it's getting there.
The front of the building as in my 2010 photo is not visible - temporary portacabin classrooms are still in place. The games extension where my kids developed their love of volleyball is a pile of rubble. Another build will start there shortly.
This part of the extension, is within the part of old building; in my time it was on of the "Quadrangles". There was just a grassy mess, surrounded on four sides by the windows of the hallways of two three floors of classrooms. In the kid's time at school it had been utilised as a "gardening" area for kids with a lack of attention to educational requirement to allow them to develop skills in other areas.
Now, it's an openplan teaching / lecturing / performance area. complete with stacked seating, comfy seats and a teaching area.
In one extra photo - I'm standing on the link between old and new - the outside wall of the old building is utilised as the internal wall of a social area within the school complete with cafe bar and cafeteria.
In my other extra - the one part of the development I'm not happy with, and from what I heard, no one else was either.
This is the assembly halls. Where every morning of every weekday, one year at a time (fifth and six year together), had assembly; and on occasion, performed. I discovered Boy could sing here, and tears filled my eyes as he sung "My Best Girl" from Mame.
The refurbished olde worlde chairs have gone, the laquered floor has gone, the floor has been raised, and the stage is no more. I'm sure it's now fit for a modern, busy school, but the assembly hall was "old school" A bit of history, and it will be missed.
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