The moon...

...rather large...

Pthalo blue, burnt sienna and white were the colours used. A one inch brush was used, and a cocktail stick for the long grass.

A bit stormy today. I wasn't going out in this...flying wheelie bins, flying garden chairs, and flying fences...more stuff too. Felt like someone was whacking my bungalow with a giant cricket bat. This storm has wrecked and smashed some of my garden. I will assess damage tomorrow, because it was still pretty windy this afternoon, and the trees were still whacking each other.

I did have a full day planned today, a couple of things this morning and one this afternoon, so I texted and cancelled everything. The others were still going to the coffee morning some distance away, and the other group to art this afternoon. And I was supposed to be showing them how to do something. But I wasn't risking life and limb. In any case the bridge was closed because of high winds. I used to think I was invincible and at one time wouldn't have let a wee little storm like Doris stopping me going out. But the wind was totally mad out there. As I got a text to say they were still going to art, my wicker chair in my garden took flight and was smashed against the wall....

I have quite a bit of damage to sort out in the morning, the binoculars will come out and I will check the roof. Fingers crossed all is okay with that.

Anyway, I was painting this big moon today. This is my pic today for my challenge to myself of a pic every day 2017.

I hope you all kept yourselves safe today. But I would have loved to have seen that wild sea. But I think I would have had to have been tied to a tree...

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