Laying in provisions!

A quick blip tonight (still better than yesterdays nowt!) , but yesterday due to this unseasonable weather I able to accept an invitation to join a friend on the Grouse moors on Saturday. An ill wind that blows nobody any good! We are usually to busy by half for this to happen, so nothing was ready, and last night was lost sorting things and gear out! Today after work the final bits put in place ready for the 2hr plus journey early tomorrow. I spied this little fellow as I was cleaning my boots atop one of the wheely bins, so nipped inside slapped on a plus 4x filter and got a shot or two as he/she stocked thier larder. Hope I haven't given to many of you the heb gebbies, I may be late posting and commenting tomorrow, so take care out there and have a good Friday/Saturday.... ;¬)

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