logical progression

Step 1. Rent a really cool lens for a special vacation.
Step 2. Dream about owning such a cool lens.
Step 3. Hear from your tax preparer that a nice refund is coming your way.
Step 4. Find a used really cool lens for a great price online.
Step 5. After ordering said lens over the internet, find out that the supplier is none other than the local camera store that you rented the really cool lens from in the first place!
Step 6. Smile at such a special blessing with each photo taken using said lens. Like the blip posted here.

And on another note, and update on yesterday's homeless man. He did not come back last night. Our city has great services for those who are down on their luck and really need a hand up, e.g. shelter, food, money for utility bills, bus passes, job training, etc. But our street corners are crowded with folks with mental illness and drug addictions who do not seek a hand up. I believe the young man I met yesterday is new to the game of living hand to mouth to high. Please keep him in your prayers. 

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