Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

I've got some good news ...

... and some bad news.

The good news is that The Girl Racer has been given residency in Canada. She Facetimed me from Vancouver to let us know, and she was so so happy. Your heart just bursts when you see your children in such a joyous place.

The bad news is ... that The Girl Racer has been given residency in Canada. That's my selfish feelings coming through. No matter how pleased you are for them you feel sad for yourself. You feel a sinking in your stomach. 

As I said to TSM, no matter how old you get, growing up doesn't get any easier ...

Anyway the wonderful Ms H (who is roughly the same age as The Girl Racer) is one of my fabulous colleagues and is pictured here with one of the many pieces of work her lovely team are doing. That was one of the cheeriest bits of the day.

Mrs M took me out for lunch to the local greasy spoon and I had to be careful with the enormous pile of food they presented me with. Couldn't eat it all. Enough bubble and squeak for a family of four. But we had a good natter. So that was good.

I was feeling down and tired when I left work so now feeling even more thoughtful and vulnerable. Another night for wrapping the blanket around yourself lies ahead I think ... But at least I am working at home tomorrow so can feel the love if I need to ...

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