First Bluebell

Continuing my theme of firsts here is my first Bluebell of 2017.  I haven't blipped Bluebells in earlier years, but I don't think they're usually due until April!  This one is growing just beneath my Patio steps  -  so quite sheltered.  One significant thing I have noticed is that these early plants (my blips so far this year - snowdrops, Scilla, Daffodills, Cowslip)  have all been loners and growing away from their main group).  I find that quite strange!  Taking 'going it alone' to extreme!!  Today was Pain Management Group meeting and we had a new leader because Heather,  our usual leader, was off ill because her back 'went'.  Most of us knew Phyl, Heather's replacement, and there was a lot of 'catch-up time' before we got started:)  Driving home there were lots of scenes I would have liked to blip because the sunshine was wonderful, but - goshy, goshy - what a gale was blowing. Not safe to get our of the car, methinks.  Anyway, Bluebell benefited:)

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