Log Freuchie

By Freuchie

Highland coo

I made sure I had my camera with me when the dogs and I walked along the lochside this morning. Unfortunately the day was overcast - there wasn't the slightest hint of blue in the sky - but I took a few pretty scenic views with fine reflections of Loch Lomond.

As we turned at Manse Bay to head back to Milarrochy, I heard a 'clanking' noise on the metal gate behind a hedge, and on further investigation found this hairy beast chomping away on the grass. There were some other cattle in the field, including some youngsters - it looked like "Maw, Paw & The Weans", but probably wasn't.

Since I don't often get the chance, I chose this blip over the scenic ones, which I've posted on my blipfolio. Please have a peek some time.

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