Capital adventures

By marchmont

How to end homelessness

Back to work, in the office. A diary malfunction (ie me not keeping it up to date) meant I nearly left a colleague sitting on her own in Harvey Nicks. Luckily she was running late and phoned.

Then to spend more money in Debenhams before going home for a turnaround and a change.

Tonight was a Parliamentary reception for the Moderator focusing on homelessness. I was able to introduce A and S, colleagues from Brent, to a number of colleagues from across the sector here. Many challenging words to MSPs about what needs done including many, many new social and affordable houses. And a passionate and impassioned 10 minutes from Grant of Glasgow City Mission about how Housing First works. Permanent accommodation for people who need it, not temporary accommodation, no matter how PR friendly it is.

Came home to a lonely cat, a call with J and some catch up TV. Went to bed and listened to the PM tribute to Steve Hewlett on catch up. Moving, and sad.

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