Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Rebel with reason to pause

Three things from today, maybe four, at a push:

1. My dogs make good bookrests, which comes in handy if you've always had achy hands book holding syndrome (Otherwise known as being lazy)

2. Sam's camera trap picked up amazing videos of scuttling badgers and magnificently antlered deer doing perfect score sweet jumps over a tumble down dry stane dyke. And some fleeting bunny ears.

3. It's looking likely I have arthritis in my middle finger, no doubt brought on by too many rude hand gestures in my youth, a bad but life affirming and refreshingly honest habit that I have selectively deployed during every decade since...it's genetic, both the arthritis and rude gestures, my dad still enjoys giving the v sign when I'm cheeky and tonight did he not also give me advice on arthritis creams. Jings, a false tooth and arthritis in the space of months, I'm failing fast.

4. I still love yum yums, they may indeed be the death of me. Mintlaw yum yums may be the best yum yums.

5. My kids still bicker and they often don't see eye to eye with me, but, reassuringly, they certainly do still confide in me.

6. I obviously can't count.

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