A hearty day :))

A trip to Leeds this morning to get those locks trimmed by the lovely Ben.. then home to be greeted at the train station by Mealz, Alfie (no) and Chino.... Mealz and Alfie are staying with me for a few days, I haven't seen them since Christmas so I've been so looking forward to their visit.  Not the best photo I know but those boys scampering down the stairs to greet me made me smile :))

And in and amongst, a text from middle child, eldest daughter Jess who is on holiday in New York at the mo with bf Nathan.  During a visit to Central Park.... he only got down on one knee!!!!!!! :O :O :O  Aaaaaaand she said YES.... of course she did!!!!  I am so very, very, very, very happy for them :))))

It's been a heart swelling day.... and my happiness cup doth froth :))

A cosy evening in with Mealz, candles lit, supper on the go... and a chink, chink to Jess and Nafe.... a sneaky photo of them in my extra... all the way from America.   :) xxxx  (PS.. and Alfie no is behaving... quite well.....)

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