
I didn't have the best start to the day. The milk tasted disgusting despite being well in date, so my cereal and coffee ended up in the bin!

The day started sunny and got cloudier and damper as it went on! I went over to my Mum and Dad's as normal.  I had lots to do round there, booking appointments, paperwork and little jobs. Their calendar is full - mostly with medical appointments! The joys of getting older! My Dad will get his new hearing aids at the weekend though, which is a good thing! Though he reckons they won't help with using the phone...

On the way home I noticed the snowdrops growing by the side of the road and decided to take a few photos of them. 

Once I was back in Lincoln, I made an appointment of my own - to get my hair cut and coloured! It's needed doing for a while, and I've just not got round to it with being ill or busy all the time. I was going to go next week, but it turned out she could fit me in tomorrow - bonus!

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