Blip 600!

Well, snowing today, so another day not doing anything. Bit worrying as a friend is coming to help out for tomorrow, so taking a bit of a gamble that the big day (Bike Day) isn't going to get canceled. Apparently we'll know tomorrow morning. If it gets canceled, well, it's $100 badly bet. But that's life. And tomorrow is my last day up here.

Today is also a kinda sad day as well. It's been 6 years since my best friend died. He was an argumentative old git, and in the last couple of months before he died we hadn't really been out much, but even still. 6 years to the hour I got the call that he had passed away very unexpectedly during the night.

Still think about him occasionally, and he certainly changed the way I look at things. I argue more than I ever did, and I have very little patience with idiots. I think these are qualities, as we let too many idiots think they are Einsteins in this day and age. There is an ever decreasing amount of people able to look someone in the eyes and say "you're not very bright, are you?".

I wouldn't call my old friend a great guy either, the usual "he was a great guy" after he was dead. He was a complete pain in the arse for the most part, and it was an unlucky soul who ever happened to cross him. Which could explain why myself and my wife were virtually the only people at his funeral, with the exception of his dcotor (who plainly didn't do a good job) and his accountant. In fact, I think I was the only person he hadn't sued.

Time to time I still miss him, he may have been a pain in the ass, he may have had the ability to argue with a loaf of bread, and he may have had a propensity to sue his friends occasionally, but he was still my best friend, and could be quite amusing at times.

It's probably time to delete his number from my phone. If he hasn't called by now, I doubt he will. Where-ever you are old friend, I'll be having a drink for you tonight.

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