move over...

...rabbits and eggs, the Easter Bilby is once again on the shelves for Easter.

The Rabbit-Eared Bandicoot, or Bilby, is a marsupial with silky soft fur , long pointy nose, huge hairless ears, poor sight and is nocturnal with an aversion to full moons, strong winds and heavy rains which can keep it burrow bound.
Like the koala they don't need to drink water but do have a delicious diet including fruit, seeds, bulbs, insects, fungi and spiders.
Their backward facing pouch (clever clogs) keeps junior tucked away in furry comfort avoiding a shower of dust and dirt  while mamma digs.
On the endangered species list and threatened by feral cats, habitat loss and competing with rabbits for burrows and food they now live in small, isolated populations in arid Australia.

The Easter Bilby campaign was registered in 1991 by the Foundation for a Rabbit Free Australia to raise awareness of the damage done by rabbits to native wildlife and to raise money from the Easter Bilby  campaign to fund research.

A  couple of Australian chocolatiers make Easter Bilbies and donate part proceeds to Bilby conservation...hopefully the 'glass and a half' mob 
do so too.

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