
By RavensRoost

Raven of Many Years

The Mountain Moving Cafe operated as a collective and was a gathering space for alternative people: radical feminists, gay men, families of every stripe and color.

Like many young women, I arrived in Portland on that amazing wave of feminism of the late 60's and early '70's. I spent many hours at the Mountain Moving Cafe and connected with a variety of wonderful people during that decade. 

I still recall when I saw this unsigned print for sale at the cafe. Although new to Portland and a starving college student, this piece of art spoke to me. It has been with me through my many moves and various iterations of my life. 

I appreciate this artist, anonymous though they may be. This artwork ties me to my younger, innocent and more-hopeful self. During these uncertain times in our world, this piece reminds me that the world was and can again be a brighter, more uplifting place in which to live.

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