Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Fellow,

Do I look grumpy? Do I walk around all the time like I've got a lemon shoved sideways up me bum? Is my brow permanently furrowed and steam rising from the top of me napper?

I ask because twice today - TWICE - I've been asked "Are you all right?" The second person even said, "You looked really ANGRY."

How can this be? I am a pussycat. An oasis of sanguinity in a maelstrom of stress. But apparently this is not the vibe I am putting out to the universe.

To be honest, I did have one or two things on my mind today. Shetland Dad has found a new way to annoy Er Indoors, so I was trying to help with that. 

Also I read a news article about UKIP. I really shouldn't do that. Me reading articles about that shower is like a man with a wooden leg who removes it just for the purpose of kicking himself up his own @rse.

But that was as fraught as the day got. My biggest problem of the day was how to keep myself awake. There was almost zero to do. I listened to Sounds of the 80's, looked at houses in NZ and thought about kittens having a tea-party with bunnies hosted by sloths. 

I also openly took the pee in our regularly daily status update meeting. I have got bored with it, and my PM has made the mistake of letting me host it, so I amuse myself by pretending I'm Bruce Forsyth. "All right my lovelies, let's take a look at the big board," I say. "I'm sharing my screen if you want to play along at home, eyes down for a full house." 

No-one stops me. Either they find it as funny as I do or they think I am on drugs and dangerous. 

So you see, I am like this little ray of sunshine, but it doesn't seem to reach to my mouth or brow. That's all right. I'm happy for people to think I am stressed and temperamental. That I am a big grumpyboots with no time for idle chat. My time is precious! I have a fulll day planned! There are hits of the 80's to listen to, DAMMIT.

El P.

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