Sunarise early in the morning....

Today I was woken at 5 am by son no 1 who had come home early from night work, he was wrapping a large package in parcel tape, at first I couldn't work out what the sound was. Now I'm a light sleeper and whilst I don't mind getting up early, I like to do it when I choose. Also bear in mind that I am in the middle of my annual leave and therefore supposed to be chilling out. Furthermore, this has now spurred me on to get his house finished even quicker to get rid of him.

I decided as I was up I'd try and catch the sunrise, I went down to Seaton Sluice beach and snapped away with Allison's J1, this was the best of the bunch after a little editing.

This morning I saw frost on cars and the temperature was 3 degrees, in August !!!

On the way home I heard a report on the news that this has officially been the wettest UK Summer on record !

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