A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Local Architecture

There are a couple of local blocks of flats that always draw my attention as I imagine that Hercule Poirot lives there. The other one is on the High Road and a little trickier to photograph. Especially on a dark busy Sunday evening on a dog walk.

In addition to the usual lovely Sunday things there has been a trip to the Lego Batman movie for me and Anna. And this evening Carl finds himself dialling in to a Board meeting in New Zealand so I have indulged in a homemade turmeric face mask and painting my nails. Reminded me of the time Carl and I went to a fancy dress party as Homer and Marge Simpson. I can't remember the theme. I know it wasn't Come As What You're Not as we went as Posh and Becks for that.

Big week ahead with the intention that J will do two sessions at school. I'm sure me having super soft skin will help no end.

Lesley x

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