Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

A bit of a mystery…...

…..found this cd when I was having a bit of a kitchen clear out this morning……but that's definitely not my writing and the computer cd drive is acting up so I couldn't open the contents (memo to self : get the boy-in-the-attic on the case next time he calls by!)…..I suspect it's the bro-in-laws, but exactly why it was on my kitchen table (and, for that matter, how long it's been there!) I've absolutely no idea…….

Firstborn et al  are on their way for tea, biccies and to collect some mozzarella…..better get on…… 

EXTRA ADDED LATER : They came, they saw, they conquered………

EVEN LATER : I suspect my CD Drive problem, along with quite a few pressing others, indicates I need to update my Mac OS, which is something I've been putting off for months……so if I suddenly go quiet over the next few days……..

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