Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


Alright, I know I am a day late but time got away with me yesterday.  So here it is...Well what can I say but how much I value the blip community, the friendships I have made both virtual and real, the wonderful blippers I have met.  The fact that I take a photo a day now after nearly 6 six years is second nature.  I  so appreciate my blipmates who stop and comment, encourage me,  share my woes and celebrate with me on happy days particularly when I am a woeful commenter myself at the moment.  Well lets face it, I don't think I would be the tog I am today without Blip.  So there you are old friend.  Conblipulations on your first anniversary and here is to many many more to come.  And before I go, it goes without saying my thanks to Joe for starting this but particularly my thanks to the vision and hard work of the directors who have made it all happen so we are still here.  Hip Hip hooray!

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