Begin it Now

My English teacher gave this to me on my first day of Sixth Form. 15 years later, I still have it. It has been on my wall ever since she gave it to me that day. We were all given a copy but I doubt the rest stayed out of the bin more than a few seconds after the bell rang. She was the type of teacher that rubbed a lot of students up the wrong way. I suppose that was mainly because she was just an easy target for them - a little off the wall in some ways and not quite authoritative enough perhaps. I, on the other hand, hugely respected her. Looking back, it was probably because she was a lot like me. Shy and a little socially awkward, but with strong morals and belief in the power of people to be whatever they want to be. So whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.

Isn't the internet amazing?? I just did a quick search and managed to find her. She's an actor now!! I guess she took the words in this poem to heart! :o)

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