the colour green

By jukeys


I woke up at 4.30am with my first contraction. I hadn't even had one Braxton Hicks throughout my pregnancy so this felt like the start of something. I woke Pierre an hour later and we decided to get prepared to go to the hospital. I felt really good, got in the shower, and got ready slowly but surely. We had something to eat and then left the house about 7am.

Pierre left the house first and noticed the back window of his van was broken - someone had stolen the hospital bags we'd prepared! Bastards! There was absolutely nothing of real value in them, just lots of carefully thought out stuff for our stay in the maternity unit. After freaking out for a few minutes, we realised we'd still have to go to the hospital(!) so we walked round to dad's to leave Coquine with him as planned. We told him what had happened and he made me a cup of hot, sweet tea. As I was making a list of what we'd need him or mum to bring to the hospital for me, one of the guys who works for the municipality appeared at the door to say the bags had been found at the other end of the village; with pretty much everything in them! We were so lucky! All the little baby clothes I'd ironed and folded neatly, all the snack bars and water bottles I'd packed for the labour room etc - all there! Even the TENS machine, which was probably the only thing of any vague value - so glad to get it all back!

Pierre and I got to the hospital at about 10.30am (after a pee stop at an Intermarche on the way - the cashier said we could use the loo as long as I didn't give birth in it! ha!).

The midwife, Elodie, was so lovely. She hooked me up to the monitor to check on the baby's heartbeat and the level of contractions. She was also able to tell me I was only at 1cm, but that they'd keep an eye on me for a couple of hours to see how things progressed. Unfortunately the baby was still back-to-back so the contractions were pretty painful. After a few hours of monitoring, Elodie said that I still hadn't advanced at all really and that the contractions weren't regular enough to be "real labour". She said we could stay the night but that we'd maybe be better off going home. We decided to go home. It was so disappointing, but just not to be. Fingers crossed it happens soon!

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