The Likely Lads

Headed out this morning and saw some of the homeless guys, there's a stomach bug going round amongst them...poor guys...must be awful to be ill and have nowhere private or warm to curl up. 
Danny & I were just walking home after a morning out & about when we bumped into this handsome chap, John, Danny's tennis partner. It was lovely to stop & grab a quick coffee with him before school pick up time for Asha. This man is a real diamond...

Feeling decidedly rough with this cough & cold, so a siesta was in order...and bless Danny, he's on Reading Class duty & looking after our friends daughter as well...he's a diamond too.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A safe home.
2) Patient parents - after waiting in all day yesterday, the parcel wasn't 2 of waiting in...
3) The quick coffee with Danny & John...I don't often get to see John as he & Danny meet at was good to natter with him.

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