The Folly

Today's the day ........................... for a grand day out

I read a really interesting article in the Westmorland Gazette this morning over breakfast. It was all about the life of families of navvies who built the Settle - Carlisle railway. It took seven years of hard labour from 1869-76 to carve the line out of the high Pennines - and the men who made it lived with their families in makeshift camps up on the moors.

The article mentioned that there was an exhibition about it all at The Folly - a museum in the Yorkshire Dales town of Settle. Now - I didn't have to go to work today - and I took a notion to go and see the exhibition. It didn't take any time to persuade Will to come too and so that's where we've been today.

The scenery on the road from Kendal to Settle is quite spectacular with the familiar shapes of Ingleborough, Whernside and Pen-y-ghent on the skyline. Settle itself is full of interesting places to see - none more so than The Folly itself as shown above, built in 1679 by RichardPreston, a wealthy lawyer.

All in all - it was a grand day out ............................

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