
.... not from Amsterdam but grown (under glass I think) in the U.K.  I saw them this morning when I was in town and I just loved the bright colours. I'd intended to go out with the camera but the light has been very poor today and so I was glad it was Flower Friday and a I had a good excuse to do an indoor blip.

I ordered a travel tripod earlier in the week and it arrived this morning;  it's lightweight and small but very sturdy and I'm thrilled with it.  It's easy to put up and take down and best of all I'll be able to carry it about far more easily than I could my original one.  I'd always been put off travel versions previously because I'd not heard good reports about them  -   however, I've only heard good things about this new one so I can't wait to take it out.

Thank you BikerBear for hosting the FF challenge and thank you for visiting my journal and the kind response to my Chaffinch yesterday; I hope you all have a very good weekend. :-))

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