Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

846. 86/100 days of portraits..from the window..

I walked past a rather nice wee homeware shop this morning and saw this large statue in the window...I think it just about qualifies as a portrait...after all it is a figure..albeit a manmade one!

I took the photo through the window and there was a bit of a reflection so I needed to do a little bit of faffing....so I decided to follow a tutorial in a photography magazine which showed me how to select the statue and place it in a better background and then I also faffed with the whole image in Topaz Glow 2....I'm not very skilled at selecting yet but I'm slowly getting there!

I have been back to Specsavers again this morning as my loan hearing aids are still not quite right and now that I'm back home with another adjustment...they're still not right but will have to do now...I hope I get my own back soon as I really don't like these ones at all...and apparently they are their top of the range ones!

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