
By DWBham

Step by Step

I am taking pictures of some of the arrangements mom created around her house. Here's her mantle. All around the house are baskets, jars, vases, paper plates, you name it, full of rocks, leaves, pine cones, sticks with moss, all arranged artfully with bits of color from tinsel, broken glass, ribbon, what have you. I tried to make her memory box at Silverado colorful (I'll add a photo of this sometime), but I've got nothing on my mother's knack for arrangement.

Today we had a nice walk and discovered a trail that runs approximately parallel to Cordata. She talked about being tired and wanting to go home "where it's quiet." I wish she appreciated the comfort she could get from going into her room (esp. since it's still a private room), but she has dismantled it and taken all the art off the walls, so I don't know if it feels comfortable to her or not. Today she even took the nails out of the walls, so I couldn't rehang her stuff.

And yet, at dinner time she easily let two Silverado staff people escort her to dinner. We hugged and said goodbye.

Cleaning out the house will take some time. I have kind friends volunteering to help. That makes it more pleasant.

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