
By Jenmoirio

Catching up and stopping

Started the day having a wee catch up with my pal Donna over in New Zealand. I was on my way to work and her to bed. Hadn't really appreciated the time difference. Was a lovely start to the day.
I planned to catch up at work but of course new things cropped up which at one point had me completely perplexed. I took a wee step back to breath! It worked and clarity resumed I carried on.
Then it was good timing as I had a mindfulness and stress workshop to go to. So with mindfulness in my mind off I went, late and trying to catch up on time of course. On the way the view caught me. I had to stop and take a picture. Then in the distance something caught my eye, a giant stag illuminated and moving. I tried to zoom in but it was difficult to catch. A projection of course as I don't think Harry Potter was around. Glad that I had stopped and seen such an odd sight I made my way again.
The workshop was interesting and gave you a lot to think about. She guided us through a meditation and of course this was true stopping. I left refreshed if a bit hungry.
Chatted to my mum on the phone, another catch up. Then had a call from my good pal Letty, as well as a brief catch up we organised a date for a proper one.
So a bit overboard in writing up all the catch ups but kinda fun doing that too,
I will however stop there.

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