
By Selen

People Who Can't Talk

When I decided to take this photo there were 2 main aspects that interested me. ( Other than the fact that I was waiting for a ferry) The first one was the appearance of the mosque and the second one was the sea. The mosque in the photo is a historic monument which is and was here for ages. It is located in Ortaköy just near the sea and it made me think about Turkey's diversity... Just before I started to think about the Islamophobia in the world and how religion became a political symbol in Turkey. 
If you are reading this outside of Turkey you wouldn't probably notice how our country is separated in to two. But if you are reading this in Turkey you will definitely understand everything maybe just by hearing the word hijab. In normal conditions, I would've explain the whole situation but since we are currently in a state of emergency (yes we are) I won't explain anything, because I am not allowed to...

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