twinned with trumpton


A slow morning; we had to wait in for a gas engineer so predictably as it was a nice morning, it was late in the morning when they showed up. Hey, we loafed around (well, they did, I got the laundry up to date and cooked some stuff too - tomato chorizo and lentil soup amongst other things. 

So once we were free, we took the bikes for a spin to Morrisons; bought some flowers for her; and then back for a late-ish lunch. 

We then went out around 4; Alex had a party in Bankhead so we trekked acrss town; punted him into the party and then Tom and I roamed around Sighthill and the Calders, back through the industrial estate and as darkness set in, we hit Decathalon (cycling stuff for Tom - we signed up for Pedal for Scotland earlier in the day 14th September - 45 miles Glasgow to Edinburgh. He'll need some training but he'll manage fine, I'm sure), B & Q (her rodent thing continues) and finally Tesco for milk and bread. 

We fetched Alex from his party and popped by hers to drop a card and flowers and a token gift before we headed home; jacket potatoes with chicken / bacon / sweetcorn / mayo filling and a much needed flop in the sofa. Even after a quiet morning, we crammed a day's worth into the afternoon and evening.

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