Bathroom Bump Blip

A day of pregnancy appointments, here there & everywhere...beginning early, so I was up & out at 7,30 to be at my 8am blood test. We also had our 3rd trimester scan, all is 'perfecto' apparently, he weighs 5lb which is exactly what he should do at 34 and a half weeks...and he's turned so he's no longer spine to spine - hooray! 

Asha & I had a nice time in the park after I collected her from school - she was delighted to find a couple of her friends there! The warmer days are encouraging people to hang around & play...

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Waking up feeling better than I have in days.
2) A healthy baby.
3) My parents getting a parcel of baby things ready to be shipped to us tomorrow!

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