Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB


Mrs B has bought me an early Birthday present of the above Spokeshaves which I will be using when I have started on my next project.
I thought I would give you a little insight of what these tools are used for.
The meaning of Spokeshaves is as follows.......

........ '.A cutting tool having a blade set between two handles, originally for shaping spokes,(This link does not work) but now in general use for dressing curved edges of wood and forming round bars and shapes.'

     This is a basic set which comprises of (top left) Round spokeshave, This means the base is rounded so one can plane a concave shape within a small space on the piece being made, (middle right) the base is flat for obviously planning flat small areas on the piece being made and the (bottom middle) is the Concave spokeshave to plane round items like chair spindles(rails) and legs etc.
When I have got into my next project I will take some shots of them being used.

     I will be starting the project very soon now as I have just had a 'stinker' of a cold but am now on the mend. I thought I would be lucky and avoid the 'dreaded lurgy' However I am on the mend now.

Hope you are all well.
Take care.

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