Happy Valentine's Day Mr Dugong

Thailand 2017, Day 26
Before I start,  C's dugong pics (Nikonabike) were far better than mine, and his fish blip for yesterday was excellent if you haven't seen it.
Well my holiday wish came true, and we saw a/some dugong(s) (a.k.a. sea-cows). It was hard to tell if we saw the same one or several. Anyway - this is as good as it gets, photo-wise. 
It was extremely hot as we were out on the long-tailed boat for 3 hours and I resorted to pouring water over my head and back in an effort to stay cool. I also soaked my sarong and draped it over my head (although we were under the boat cover).
We were not allowed to get into the water around the dugongs as they are quite rightly, protected, and not to be disturbed by swimmers. Our boat skipper turned off the engine well before we got to them, and punted the boat with a long pole.
Just when we were beginning to give up hope, there he was. DUGONG! The boat skipper was so happy - he had shown us the shadowy outline below the surface, and was waving his hand in a gesture to will the dugong to rise - and rise he did, several times. 
There was just us and a young Austrian couple on board, and we did a lot of grinning and back-slapping afterwards. 
No-one had seen a dugong in the last few weeks, so we were extremely fortunate, and I just grinned all day.
The other good news is the online booking agent that we used for the awful accommodation in Koh Kradan (that we left after 3 hours) have contacted us to give us a full refund - in fact we received slightly more than we paid because of the exchange rate fluctuation. Now it's all settled I can reveal that it was Agoda, and their handling of the situation was impeccable, so I shall certainly use them again.
My extras is the spray from the prop on our way back from the dugong trip, and a very photogenic boat a little way along on the beach.
I'm sorry I haven't been able to comment or reply hardly at all since we have been away, but it's usually quite difficult to get a wifi connection, and when we do, we use it to upload our blips.

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