A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Shed some light on the subject

What a random day...

Went to the jewellers this morning to take my engagement ring to be resized - we thought it would need a half size, but no - apparently its 3 sizes too big!!! back in 10 days, possibly sooner - have only had it for five days and now my hand feels empty without it!

Watched Doctor Who with James.

Did some statistics (its not bad - I made it just over a week without doing any work...thats pretty good for me)

Tidied the house.

Bought a S.A.D lightbox ...not cheap but I am struggling with the lack of daylight, particularly when I am at work as my classroom has no windows and my office has to be artificially lit all year round pretty much...the light box has made a world of difference to my brother, and knowing my grandad also suffered, Corin suggested that maybe I was prone to the same 'condition'...we'll see.

Cooked Spag Bol for tea and was attacked by the tomato sauce as a big glob of it spat out of the pan straight onto my hand so now I have a lovely burn about a centimetre long at the base of my thumb (back of my hand). Did it about 3 hours ago and it still feels like its burning.

Was impressed with James who not only ASKED for Spag Bol, but ATE it as well (a decent size portion too) with garlic bread - suddenly my boy has started liking lots of different meals which is fabulous - getting a lot less picky (of course if vegetables make an appearance thats a different thing all together!)

Really struggling for blip-inspiration tonight...this is as good as it gets! Sorry

Am off to paint Warhammer figures with James!

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