Happy Valentine's Day
I put Kent's Valentine on his computer last night so he would have it when he got up at 4am this morning. As ever, I still make his card.
When I got up, I found my Valentine goodies waiting for me. Our big Valentine this year was our washer & dryer!
Kent is out of town until tomorrow night but I've been plenty busy today.
I went to the post office to ship a box off to my mother. Some goodies to help make her feel better as she has been pretty sick of late. Went to the hospital for some tests and came out with pneumonia.
I also went by the hardware store and picked up a new smoke and carbon monoxide detector and then installed it on the wall. Why is it that every time you have to make new holes in the wall because even buying the same brand the brackets are never the same?
My second amaryllis is now in full bloom so I have a riot of red in my kitchen. From the porch looking in through the window they pop out at you. Do you see the shadow of Peace's ear?
I picked up my brother and drove him over the river to the shop where his truck was. He picked up his truck and he's on the road again.
I've decorated these 9 square fronts that will be for one of the MS quilts we will be raffling off.
Think that all qualifies me to see and enjoy some quiet time in front of the TV tonight
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